

Nine people in the United States are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver (NHTSA 2021)


不计后果的 & distracted driving is the #1 killer of teens in America!


This is preventable! 


We want to change our culture to one that makes driving distraction-free!


Impact Teen Drivers Program


致命的2This evidence-based program empowers teens to save lives by encouraging smart choices behind the wheel.


This program can be offered to teens, parents, or groups with both.


Participants will witness real-life stories and conclude with taking a pledge to drive distraction-free.


Please call (315) 464-4773 to request a presentation.


For more information visit 影响青少年


  What do you consider lethal?

Invite us to your Event!

Melaina Health Fair               

                Melaina King, 伤害预防 Coordinator


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Trauma would be happy to present a table at your event regarding the dangers of distracted driving. 

Participants will receive prizes for signing our 安全驾驶 Pledge which will be presented to your organization to put-on display.

For more information call (315) 464-4773 or email (电子邮件保护)