

Kristopher G. Maier, PhD, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Xuan Han, Sarah Cullen, Vivian Gahtan, MD. 血小板反应蛋白- 1-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration is Dependent Upon the Hyaluronic Acid Receptor CD44. The American Journal of Surgery 2009 Nov;198(5):664-9.

Kristopher G. Maier, PhD, Xuan Han, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Karen Gentile, Frank A. 米德尔顿和医学博士薇薇安·加坦. 血小板反应蛋白- 1 – A Pro-atherosclerotic Protein Augmented by Hyperglycemia. The Journal of 血管手术 2010 May;51(5):1238-47. 2010年3月29日.

Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, christopher G. Maier博士,Vivian Gahtan医学博士. Basic Science Review: Statin Therapy - Part I – The Pleiotropic Effects of Statins in Peripheral Vascular Disease. Journal of 血管和血管内外科 2010 May;44(4):241-51.

Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Keri Seymour, DO, Michael J. Costanza,医学博士,Vivian Gahtan,医学博士. Basic Science Review: Statin Therapy – Part II: Clinical Considerations for Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of 血管和血管内外科 2010 Aug;44(6):421-33. Epub 2010年6月14日.

Dominick Maggio, BA, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Christopher Vieau, BA, Scott P. 艾伯特博士,布莱恩博士. Kubiak, MD, Shreyas Roy, MD, CM, Louis A. Gatto博士,Gary E. Nieman, BA. Titration of Mean Airway Pressure and FiO2 During High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in a Porcine Model of Acute Lung Injury. 外科研究杂志 2010 Nov;164(1):e147-53. Epub 2010年7月29日

Keri Seymour, DO, Xuan Han, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, christopher G. Maier博士,Vivian Gahtan医学博士. Differential Effect of Nitric Oxide on 血小板反应蛋白- 1-, PDGF-, Fibronectin-, and Vitronectin-Induced  Migration of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. The American Journal of Surgery 2010 Nov;200(5):615-9.

AIliric I. Willis, MD, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Shoichi Fuse, MD, Kristopher G. Maier博士,Tae S. Lee, MD, PhD, Xiu-Jie Wang, MD, George P. Tuszynski博士,Bauer E. Sumpio, MD, PhD, and Vivian Gahtan, MD. 血小板反应蛋白- 1, Fibronectin, and Vitronectin are Differentially Dependent Upon RAS, ERK1/2, and p38 for Induction of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Chemotaxis. 血管和血管内外科. 2011年1月,45 (1):55 - 62.

Keri Seymour, DO, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Kwame S. Amankwah, MD, Vivian Gahtan, MD. Outcome of lower extremity revascularization – Is there a difference between men and women?. 2011年3月- 4月19日(2):59-57.

Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Wageeh Azer, MD, Ovid Neulander, MD. A Dilated Cystic Duct Stump As a Cause of Postcholecystectomy Syndrome. The American Surgeon April 2011 77(4):e67-e68.

Shreyas K. Roy, Daniel Kendrick, Benjamin Sadowitz, Louis Gatto, Kathleen Snyder, Josh M. 洛恩·萨塔林. 你好,加里·尼曼. Jack of All Trades: Pleiotropy and the Application of Chemically Modified Tetracycline-3 in Sepsis and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Journal of Pharmacological Research 2011 Dec;64(6):580-9. 2011年6月21日.

Keri Seymour, DO, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Jeffery J. Stein, MD, Jack Lawler, PhD, Kristopher G. Maier博士,Vivian Gahtan医学博士. Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration Induced by Domains of 血小板反应蛋白- 1 Is Differentially Regulated. The American Journal of Surgery 2011 Nov;202(5):553-7. Epub 2011 9月9日.

Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Keri Seymour, DO, Kristopher G. Maier博士,Vivian Gahtan医学博士. The Role of Hyaluronic Acid in Atherosclerosis and Intimal Hyperplasia. 外科研究杂志.

Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, Shreyas Roy, MD, CM, Louis Gatto, PhD, 纳德Habashi, MD, Gary Nieman, BA. Lung Injury Induced by Sepsis – Lessons Learned From Large Animal Models and Future Directions for Treatment. Expert Review of Ant-Infective Therapy.

Habashi N, Andrews P, Roy S, Sadowitz B, Nieman G, Gatto LA. Up in Smoke: Airway Pressure Release Ventilation Must Be Applied Correctly to Protect the Lung. Critical Care Medicine 2012 Mar;40(3):1040-1; author reply 1041-2.

Shreyas Roy, MD, CM, Benjamin Sadowitz, MD, 彭妮安德鲁斯, Louis A. Gatto, PhD, William Marx, DO, Lin Ge, PhD, Guirong Wang, PhD, Xin Lin, PhD, David Dean, PhD, Michael Kuhn, BA, Auyon Ghosh, BSc, 约书亚Satalin, BA, Kathy Snyder, BA, 推断Vodovotz, PhD, Gary Nieman, BA, 以及纳德Habashi, MD. Early stabilizing alveolar ventilation prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome: A novel timing- based ventilatory intervention to avert lung injury Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2012 Aug;73(2):391-400.

Roy S, Habashi N, Sadowitz B, Andrews P, Ge L, Wang G, Roy P, Ghosh A, Kuhn M, Satalin J, Gatto LA, Lin X, Dean DA, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G.Early Airway Pressure Release Ventilation Prevents ARDS – A Novel Preventive Approach to Lung Injury. 冲击2013;39(1):28-38.

Shreyas Roy, Bryanna Emr, Ben Sadowitz, Louis Gatto, Auyon Ghosh, Josh Satalin, Kathy Snyder, Lin Ge, Guirong Wang, William Marx, David Dean, 彭妮安德鲁斯, 托马斯Scalea, 纳德Habashi, Gary Nieman. “Preemptive Application of APRV Prevents Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Rat Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock Model” Shock 2013 Sep:40(3):210-6.

Penny L. 约瑟夫·安德鲁斯. Shiber, Shreyas Roy, Benjamin Sadowitz, Robert V. O’Toole, Ewa Jaruga-Killeen, Louis A Gatto, Gary F. 尼曼,托马斯·斯卡利亚,纳德·M. Habashi. “Early Application of Airway Pressure Release Ventilation May Reduce Mortality in High-Risk Trauma Patients: A Systematic Review of Observational Trauma ARDS Literature” Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2013 Oct;75(4):635-41.
