
研究 Papers Authored or Co-Authored by Shreyas Roy

Kubiak BD, 艾伯特年代P, 与拉, 斯奈德KP, Maier KG, 维约CJ, 罗伊年代, Nieman女朋友. Peritoneal negative pressure therapy prevents multiple organ injury in a chronic porcine sepsis and ischemia/reperfusion model. 冲击, 2010; 34(5):525-534. *

Maggio D, Sadowitz B , Vieau C, 艾伯特年代, Kubiak B, 罗伊年代, CM1, 与拉 , Nieman女朋友. Titration of Mean Airway Pressure and FiO2 During High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in a Porcine Model of Acute Lung Injury. J外科, 2010; 164:e146-e153. *

Kubiak BC, 艾伯特年代P, 与拉, 维约CJ, 罗伊年代, 斯奈德KP, Maier KG, Nieman女朋友. A clinically applicable porcine model of septic and ischemia/reperfusion induced shock and multiple organ injury. J外科. 2011; 166(1):e59-69. *

艾伯特年代, Kubiak BD, 维约CJ, DiRocco J, 与拉, 年轻的杰, 特里帕西年代, 罗伊SK, Trikha G, 洛佩兹C, Nieman女朋友. Comparison of “open lung’ models with low tidal volumes in a porcine lung injury model. J外科 2011 Mar;166(1):e71-81. Epub. *

罗伊SK, Kendrick D, Sadowitz BD, Gatto L, 斯奈德K, Satalin JM, Golub LM, Nieman G. Jack of All Trades: Pleiotropy and the application of Chemically Modified Tetracycline -3 in Sepsis and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Pharmacological 研究. 2011; 64: 580-589. *

Sadowitz B, 罗伊年代, 与拉, Habashi N, Nieman G. Lung injury induced by sepsis: lessons learned from large animal models and future directions for treatment. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011 9(12):1169-78. *

罗伊年代, Kubiak B, 艾伯特年代, Vieau C, Gatto L, Golub L, Lee HM, Sookhu S, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G. Chemically Modified Tetracycline-3 prevents ARDS in a Porcine Model of Sepsis+ Ischemia/reperfusion induced lung injury. 冲击37:424-32 2012;. *

罗伊年代, Sadowitz B, 安德鲁斯P, 库恩米, Ghosh一, 与拉, 马克思W, 院长D, 林X, 王G, 通用电气L, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G, Habashi N. Preventative ventilation prior to lung injury averts ARDS: A novel timing-based strategy of ventilator therapy. J创伤. 2012;73:391. *

罗伊年代, Habashi N, Sadowitz B, 安德鲁斯P, 通用电气L, 王G, 罗伊P, 辛格一, Ghosh一, 库恩米, Satalin J, 与拉, 林X, 院长D, Vodovotz Y, Nieman女朋友. Early airway pressure release ventilation prevents ARDS: A novel preventive approach to lung injury. 冲击. 2013;30:28-38.*

Emr B, 与拉, 罗伊年代, Satalin J, Ghosh一, 斯奈德K, 安德鲁斯P, Habashi N, 马克思W, 通用电气L, 王G, 院长哒, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G. Airway pressure release ventilation prevents ventilator induced lung injury in normal lungs. JAMA Surgery, 2013, Sept 11 [Epub ahead of print]

罗伊年代, Emr B, Sadowitz B, 与拉, Ghosh一, Satalin J, 斯奈德KP, 通用电气l, 王G, 马克思W, 院长哒, 安德鲁斯P, 辛格一, Scalea T, Habashi N, Nieman女朋友. Preemptive application of airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) prevents development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in a rat traumatic hemorrhagic shock model. 冲击. 2013;40(3):210-216.

安德鲁斯PL, 夏博小, Jaruga-Killeen E, 罗伊年代, Sadowitz B, O ' toole房车, 与LS, Nieman女朋友, Scalea T, Habashi N. Early application of airway pressure release ventilation may reduce mortality in high-risk trauma patients: A systematic review of observational trauma ARDS literature. J创伤 急症护理 Surg. 2013;75:635-641