
Your Hospital Stay

Many patients requiring colorectal surgery will need to stay in the hospital after the operation.  Average hospital stays for laparoscopic surgery are from 2-4 days, and for open surgeries are 4-7 days. Depending upon how complex the operation is and how many health issues the patient has, a stay in the intensive care unit may be necessary.

During any recovery from surgery, the most important member of the team is the patient. 因此, we expect our patients to actively participate in their own recovery through activity (walking, sitting in the chair, participating in exercises with physical therapy) and performing breathing exercises. These simple measures significantly improve the recovery process and make the transition home quicker and more successful.

The physicians and nurses in our team commit to provide the best care possible to every patient. We aim to provide excellent pain control, 营养, incision and wound care, 造口术护理, and care of all the other tubes and lines that are necessary during your recovery. Our team understands that having surgery can be stressful, and we strive to be your partner throughout the process.