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Fellow Curriculum

Overall Objectives

肾脏学 is the study of renal function and dysfunction. As the kidneys play the major role in homeostasis of fluid, 电解质, and acid-base status, derangement in a patient’s renal function 五月 lead to numerous systemic manifestations. The objectives of the 肾脏学 Fellowship are to teach trainees the in-depth principles of renal physiology and 病理生理学. Trainees who have completed their fellowship will be experts in the evaluation and care of patients with all forms of renal derangement. 

除了, trainees are expected to participate in scholarly activity during their training. This activity can be either laboratory or clinically based.

肾脏学, by its nature, is a complex and growing field that continues to change constantly. Nephrologists often function at the frontiers of scientific knowledge, requiring a delicate balance of available data, 经验, 病理生理学, and judgment to make real-life decisions. We believe that a strong understanding of physiology and 病理生理学 will form the basis for fellow education and continued life-long learning.

The best way to achieve this goal of constant growth is to ensure that learning is self-directed and active. We expect to train fellows in methods that will allow them to become life-long learners and transition beyond the need for passive participation with didactic lecture. Some of our major goals will include helping trainees identify personal weaknesses in their education and strengthen those areas through a “learning by teaching” interaction. Developing independent, mature nephrologists capable of optimal care of patients with renal disease now and in the future will be our common goal.

Educational Content

The program content for nephrology is described in large part by the American Society of 肾脏学 in their special article “肾脏学 Core Curriculum.” This is available in hardcopy form from the 肾脏学 Office. It is in the packet of information given to the fellows at the beginning of their training. 除了, educational goals and objectives for each rotation and 经验 are listed in the specific Educational Experiences section below.

Methods of Training

The main teaching method is through an apprenticeship model. Hospitalized patients are initially evaluated independently by the fellow and attending physician. The fellow then formulates a differential diagnosis and plan. This will then be reviewed by the attending physician who 五月 prompt the fellow to provide more information, expand the differential diagnosis, and provide alternative plans. Important aspects of the history and physical exam will be reviewed and demonstrated at the patient’s bedside.

Outpatients will be seen by the fellow and then presented to the attending. The attending 五月 prompt the fellow to provide more information, expand the differential diagnosis, and provide alternative plans. Important aspects of the history and physical examination will be reviewed and demonstrated with the patient. As the fellow gains more confidence, he/she will see the patients more independently, reviewing the patients with the attending. Outpatient dialysis patients will be seen by both the fellow and attending physician weekly. The fellow will be responsible for the day-to-day management of his/her own dialysis patients. 

除了 to the apprenticeship model, there are numerous didactic sessions throughout the 一年 to cover all 主题 in the core curriculum. 这些 主题 include both basic science and clinical medicine.

Ethics and professionalism are demonstrated through direct patient contact, discussion of patient care issues in various settings, and through didactic sessions.