


A right brain 中风 happens when 血液供应 to the right side of the brain is 停止. The right side of the brain is in charge of the left side of the body. 它还 does some thought processing, helps us know body position, 和 judges space 和 距离.

There are two main types of 中风: 缺血性出血性. An 缺血性 中风 is the most common type.

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An 缺血性 中风 happens when blood flow is blocked. 这可能是由于:

  • A clot 从 another part of the body that breaks off 和 becomes trapped in a blood vessel supplying the brain
  • A clot that forms in an artery that supplies blood to the brain
  • A tear in an artery supplying blood to the brain

A 出血性 中风 is caused by a burst blood vessel. 血液淤积在大脑里. This slows or stops the flow of blood 和 causes a buildup of pressure on the brain.

出血性和. 缺血性中风
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This problem is more common in older adults 和 people with a 中风家族史.

Problems that affect blood vessel health 和 blood flow can raise 中风的风险. 一些例子是:

Daily habits can also play a role. 一些例子是:

  • 吸烟
  • A diet that is high in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, 和 sodium
  • 缺乏身体活动
  • 药物滥用可卡因, amphetamines, or heroin use


症状 can happen suddenly. 一个人可能有:

  • Muscle weakness on the left side of the body
  • Vision problems, including problems seeing 从 the left side of each eye
  • 听力问题
  • Sensory changes on the left side of the body
  • Problems with depth perception or directions
  • Problems with balance or a feeling of spinning when a person is still
  • 内存问题
  • Difficulty underst和ing, problem solving, 和 making decisions
  • 呼吸的问题
  • Problems chewing, swallowing, 和 speaking


A 中风 needs to be diagnosed quickly. 医生会问的 symptoms 和 health history. A physical exam will be done. 医生会找的 signs of nerve or brain problems.

Blood tests may be done to look for clotting problems.

Images may be taken of the brain. 这可以用:

Heart function will be checked. 这可以用:


Emergency care will be needed. The heart 和 lungs may need support. A tube may also be placed to help with breathing. 其他选择包括:


For an 缺血性 中风, medicine may be given to:

  • Dissolve clots 和 prevent new ones 从 forming
  • 薄血

For a 出血性 中风, medicine may be given to:

  • Work against any blood-thinning drugs a person has been taking
  • Reduce how the brain reacts to bleeding


Options to treat an 缺血性 中风 are:

  • Embolectomy—a tube is passed through a blood vessel to remove a clot or deliver medicine that can break it up
  • Vertebrobasilar 血管成形术支架—a major artery to the brain is widened 和 a mesh tube is left in place to help keep it open


Therapy may be needed to regain lost skills. 选项有:

  • Physical therapy—to help with movement
  • Occupational therapy—to help with daily tasks 和 self care
  • Speech therapy—to improve swallowing 和 speech
  • Psychological therapy—to provide support after the 中风


The risk of 中风 can be lowered by:

  • Managing chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure 和 diabetes
  • Keeping a healthy weight through diet 和 exercise
  • Eating a diet that is low in fat 和 cholesterol 和 rich in whole grains, fruits, 和 vegetables
  • 吸烟
  • 限制酒精


  • 中风的影响. Johns Hopkins Medicine 网站. 可用 at: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-和-疾病s/中风/effects-of-中风.
  • Hemorrhagic 中风s (bleeds). American Stroke Association 网站. 可以在: http://www.中风.org/en/about-中风/types-of-中风/出血性-中风s-bleeds.
  • 脑内出血. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/condition/intracerebral-hemorrhage.
  • 缺血性中风(血栓). American Stroke Association 网站. 可以在: American Stroke Association 网站. 可以在: http://www.中风.org/en/about-中风/types-of-中风/缺血性-中风-clots#.Vk3ipE2FPIU.
  • Long-term management of 中风. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可在:http://www.力学.com/management/long-term-management-of-中风.
  • Medelson,年代.A. 普拉巴卡兰,S. 的进展速度 中风 thrombolysis: are hospitals running to st和 still? Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality 和 Outcomes, 2017; 10 (1): e003438.
  • Neuroimaging for acute 中风. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可在:http://www.力学.com/evaluation/neuroimaging-for-acute-中风.
  • 中风(急性治疗). EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/management/中风-acute-management-1.
  • 蛛网膜下腔出血. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/condition/subarachnoid-hemorrhage.
  • 1/18/2017 DynaMed Systematic Literature Surveillance http://www.力学.com/prevention/cardiovascular-疾病-possible-risk-factors: Emdin, C.A.奥杜塔约,A.等。. Meta-analysis of anxiety as a risk factor for cardiovascular 疾病. American Journal of Cardiology, 2016; 118 (4): 511-519.