
Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program(ASSIP)

Courtesy of the OMH Suicide Prevention Center of NY.

A Brief, Effective, and Person-Centered Treatment for Suicidality

ASSIP is a newly developed psychotherapy, 一个有前途的 潜在的救生 intervention for suicide attempt survivors. ASSIP is designed to complement, not replace, other recommended treatment. The ASSIP therapist will coordinate care with the primary treatment team.

The goal of ASSIP is to listen to an individual’s story, and to respect each person as an expert of their own actions. 在短短 三到四个疗程, ASSIP helps survivors understand their suicidal crisis and find ways to establish effective coping strategies for the future. Very few treatments have shown evidence of significant efficacy, 在他们之中, ASSIP stands out for its brevity and potency.

In a randomized controlled trial, ASSIP was shown to reduce re-attempts by 80% as compared to the control arm. SUNY 上州医科大学 has partnered with the NYS Office of Mental Health and the University of Rochester Medical Center to bring ASSIP to Onondaga county.


  • Session I: You and your ASSIP therapist explore the story of your suicidal crisis. 这次会议是录像的.
  • Session II: You and your ASSIP therapist will watch and discuss the recording.
  • Session III: You and your ASSIP therapist will create a personalized plan for safety and recovery, based on your story and needs.
  • Next 2 years: Your ASSIP therapist will send you caring letters in the mail.

ASSIP 现在可用 for adults age 18 or older at two clinics in Syracuse, NY. 

  • 精神病学 Faculty Practice
    电子邮件: (电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护)
  • 麦迪逊街诊所
    Hutchings Psychiatric Center
    电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

ASSIP is currently only available as part of an National Institute of Mental Health-funded research study. If you’re interested in trying ASSIP for yourself, 或者转诊病人, please use the contact information below to speak with a member of our ASSIP team.
