

纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 is the only Academic Medical Center in Central New York, 美国约有120家. 学术医疗中心, which are built around medical schools and teaching hospitals, 领导全国开展医学研究, 教育卫生保健专业人员, 为病人提供最先进的护理. Our four-college university educates students from New York State, 全国乃至全世界. 上州大学卫生系统, including University Hospital and numerous satellite operations, 是1.8 million people from Syracuse and the larger Central New York region. Given the clinical catchment area of the medical center,和 fact that both the academic and clinical enterprises prioritize access for those from all socioeconomic backgrounds, our interns have the opportunity to work with a diverse group of people across all of the internship’s settings. 

We've included a brief "tour" of the professional and local settings of the internship for you here:




精神科住院病房, 1969年开业, 容纳23张床位, specializes in acute care of both voluntarily and involuntarily admitted adults, 每年接收800-1000名患者. The patients are primarily white (77%), followed by African American (15%) and Latino (5%). 68%的人失业.  An estimated 85% are diagnosed with personality disorders, while 74% are diagnosed with Mood Disorders and 15% with psychotic disorders (for more information, 参见Leontieva中讨论的代表性样本, 等.、附加).  单位 采用跨学科模式, in which the intern works as part of a team of psychiatrists, 心理学家, 社会工作者, 护士, 职业治疗师, 休闲理疗师, 以及心理健康治疗助手. The Adult Track intern provides individual psychotherapy, 心理评估, group psychotherapy on the unit under the direction of a licensed psychologist, 苏珊·斯佩里, Ph.D. 


Here interns work as part of multidisciplinary teams on the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit. Interns work with medical inpatients who have sustained physical trauma and diverse medical conditions, 比如中风, 创伤性脑损伤, 或者脊髓损伤, 来支持行为, 认知, 情感, 以及社会对最佳结果和康复的需求. 培训活动包括心理教育, 简短的个人和家庭治疗干预, 基本神经心理学筛查, 团队协商, 领导一个家庭教育和处理小组, 观察康复的不同方面(e.g., OT, PT, SLP), research and presentation on a topic of interest in rehab psychology.


University Hospital is a 350 bed facility, is the primary teaching hospital of the University. UH长期以来一直在照顾许多重病患者, 受伤的, 在经济上处于劣势, 在纽约州. It is a Level-I trauma center and features the region's only children's hospital, 戈里萨诺儿童医院, 以及新的上州癌症中心. University Hospital is also a New York State Designated Center for: 中风艾滋病创伤, 燃烧安全的服务中毒控制拥有77家独特的专科诊所. 它的 糖尿病项目 (with which our psychology faculty are deeply involved) is a NYS Center of Excellence, its 癫痫中心 是最高级别的4级吗. 与…保持一致 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的愿景, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 continues to create new centers of excellence such as the recently added 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院,除了中心的重点 癌症, 乳房护理心血管护理和心内直视手术, 行为医学中风.   


University Hospital Child/Adolescent 精神病学 Clinics:

Founded as a training clinic, Child and Adolescent Clinic at 713 Harrison St. has evolved into a major center of outpatient care for the children in the community. Adjunct to the Child and Adolescent clinic is the ENHANCE program, 为寄养儿童提供服务的初级保健机构, where interns are able to work under the direction of psychologist Ronald Saletsky. 


服务于医疗中心的“大学一面”, Student Counseling Service (SCS) provides psychotherapy, 社区外展, 药物治疗到1,550 matriculated students who are enrolled in our four colleges (Medicine, 护理, 健康的职业, 及研究生课程). 我们的许多学生都来自纽约州, but a significant number come from other states and nations, 年龄从18岁到60岁以上, 平均年龄(在SCS内)为24岁. 66% of the student patients we see are female, 57% are white. 而学生患者来自所有四所学院, majority are medical students; the most prevalent diagnoses are anxiety and depressive disorders, 但SCS治疗了广泛的问题, 包括人格和精神障碍. The Student Counseling Service is 工作人员ed by three of the internship faculty: Drs. 范德霍夫和米勒共同领导这项服务. Mbuqe担任高级顾问. Along with the 精神病学 clinics, SCS is housed within the department of 精神病学.

The 精神病学 and Behavioral Sciences Buildings (713 and 719 Harrison St.):

离医院只有一个街区,se buildings are the hub of the psychology internship training program and the home of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Department of 精神病学 (including the Division of Clinical Psychology). The child and adolescent clinic at 713 Harrison  provides individual offices for child psychology supervisors and interns, 隔壁719, 成人心理学教师和实习生都住在这里. 在这些建筑中, 你还会发现一个充满活力的教师社区, 工作人员, 还有全科医学的实习生, 临床心理学, 精神病学, 社会工作, 和护理. An atmosphere of constant collaboration and exchange is fostered, not only across disciplines but across theoretical points of view, providing interns with a model of training that is bound to enrich their approach to the working situation they will encounter as 心理学家.


上州医科大学 maintains a large medical and scientific library to which interns have full access. The general and specialized libraries of Syracuse University, 就在山上, 也很容易得到.  的推荐最近最火的赌博软件 校园活动大楼 provides a gym, swimming pool and facilities for other sports and social activities. The Campus Activities Board hosts social events throughout the year, 包括喜剧时间, 咖啡馆音乐系列, 电影之夜. Syracuse University sponsors a variety of drama, film, lecture, music, athletic programs.


Syracuse boasts a number of cultural resources, including 锡拉丘兹阶段,广受赞誉的 艾佛森艺术博物馆, 红房子,和 OnCenter,历史悠久的 具有里程碑意义的戏剧和美丽的新 湖景镇的圆形剧场. 锡拉丘兹是百老汇剧院的常客, 主要的管弦乐队, 还有无数的爵士乐, 流行, 岩石, 还有乡村音乐表演者. Syracuse also has an active night life, with great restaurants, bars, a record store in the 军械库广场城市的一部分. 著名的 蒂珀雷里山社区, 那里连交通灯的顶部都是绿色的, 提供了一点爱尔兰裔美国人的文化, 同时,这座城市还拥有自己的小意大利. The natural beauty of the Syracuse area and Central New York is excellent for hiking, 皮划艇, 滑雪, 还有品酒. 雪城的夏天充满了户外音乐会, 剧院, 和节日, 包括一年一度的纽约州博览会.