


Residents will enjoy a unique experience with the advantages of the resources of two highly academic institutions and a robust clinical experience of providing care to a diverse patient population in a community hospital setting. 这是两全其美的.

内科医学, Surgery and Emergency Medicine experiences will be in both 上州立大学医院s and Syracuse VA Medical Center. 家庭医学 Residents will be the primary residents in Inpatient Medicine Teams at 上州立大学医院 at Community Campus.

Residents will be working closely with seasoned and highly qualified faculty that will offer them mentorship and support in their growth as future family physicians. This hybrid model will offer them the best possible training in both academic and community hospital settings. It will prepare them to confidently practice full scale 家庭医学 in any setting. It will also offer them an array of learning opportunities in both clinical care and research.


Residents will also have the option of using evening classes and elective time to pursue a Certificate of 公共卫生高级研究 (CASPH) through the Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine (PHPM), and the 中心纽约 MPH program housed in that department.

The Certificate of 公共卫生高级研究 (CASPH) is a 5 course (15-credit hour) program of study. The Certificate Program is organized to offer an integrated core curriculum centered around the public health competencies. The curriculum has been designed to reflect the interrelationship between public health practice and research and designed to train current and future practitioners and researchers in the core public health functions.

The abbreviated training allows interested students the opportunity to acquire the necessary training to manage public health problems. The residents will have the option of using these credits for a Master in Public Health (MPH) if they wish to pursue further training in Public Health.


The resident Family Medical Practice Site is housed at 上州立大学医院 at the Community Campus. 这是全新的, spacious and beautiful clinic space with gorgeous views of the hills in 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 New York. The space was thoughtfully designed to accommodate a unique flow of patients in a resident medical practice and has well planned areas for clinical care, 居民教育, 工作空间和会议空间.

The current 家庭医学 Practice has about 7000 patients and serves a very diverse population base. 代表了所有年龄段和许多服务不足的人群. This will provide an excellent continuity outpatient clinical experience for the residents.


The residents will also rotate sat the Syracuse VA Medical Center and will benefit from a unique experience of working with veterans. 他们将体验许多创新的培训项目,例如:

  • 远程视频健康计划
  • 病人联合护理小组
  • 居家初级保健
  • 家庭医院
  • 全民健康伙伴关系
  • 精益管理
  • 结合医学
  • 仿真实验室
  • 与综合健康中心的研究人员合作

They will also have longitudinal geriatrics experience at the very highly rated Community Living Center at Syracuse VA Medical Center.

Twenty weeks of elective time will allow our future residents to develop their strengths in their areas of choice.


Structured and compassionate mentorship by experienced 家庭医学 faculty will be a very important part of the program. 将经常寻求居民的反馈,以不断改进该计划. Residents will work closely with the faculty and will have exceptional opportunities to learn and grow during their training under the guidance of experienced faculty not only from the Department of 家庭医学 but  from many other specialty and sub-specialty Departments at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 that are partnering with the 家庭医学 Department and are very excited to have this new residency program.


In addition to our core program (6-6-6), we offer a rural training track (2-2-2) with a 1+2 design. The first year is primarily spent at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and the second two years are primarily spent in Auburn, 纽约与奥本社区医院合作. The rural training site offers a unique opportunity for elective experiences for all residents.


  • Pediatrics at 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 is an amazing clinical experience where our 家庭医学 residents can learn together with our pediatric community.
  • Family-centered maternity care at 上州立大学医院 at the Community Campus with excellent midwife/OB support for learning both vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections. Collaboration with 上州医科大学 perinatologists and neonatologists for high-risk pregnancies, 必要时提供分娩和新生儿护理.
  • 在城市和农村社区诊所进行培训.
  • 雪城是雪城大学和纽约州立大学ESF的所在地, 这两个地方离主要医院都在步行距离之内. 居民可以利用图书馆资源和其他教育机会. 没有申请CASPH的居民, 是否可以将他们的纽约州立大学教育学分用于他们选择的其他课程.
  • 研究和学术活动将是住院医师计划的重要组成部分.
  • 本司将鼓励和促进全球健康选修课.
  • Some faculty members have had additional training and certification in 结合医学 and can offer mentorship and support to the residents interested in a Fellowship in 结合医学.
  • 该计划将在服务和教育之间取得良好的平衡. Residents will have minimal overnight call and time on night float will be approximately one week out of every four months.