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Upstate Announcements for September 13, 2023

Proposals sought for Health Justice Conference

Proposals are sought for the 2024 Health Justice Conference (HJC), scheduled to take place Jan. 15 in the Academic Building. Ideas, 寻求提案和发言人在会议期间主持与卫生公平一致的会议, education and advocacy. To submit an application, visit: http://forms.gle/yKaxEKwEPRSGdG756. For more information, email: [email protected][email protected], or [email protected]


Upstate Frame of Mind Podcast focuses on Upstate’s 
Psychiatry High Risk Program

In the current episode of the Frame of Mind Podcast, Dr. Robert Gregory, Upstate professor of psychiatry, discusses his work with Psychiatry High Risk Program, which emphasizes recovery-based suicide prevention, rather than from the chronic illness model. He also discusses Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy, a therapy he developed, which is at the core of treatment in the PHRP. Listen to the podcast on Spotify.



Upstate Library celebrates Constitution Day Sept. 17

纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的健康科学图书馆将在9月9日之前免费提供《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》和《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》的副本. 30 in recognition of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Sept. 17. 这一天是为了纪念1787年宪法的签署,并承认所有成为美国公民的人.S. citizens. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的健康科学图书馆网站 http://library.casabo.net and Constitution Day subject guide http://guides.casabo.net/constitution. To request a copy please email [email protected].



National Surgical Technologist's Week is Sept. 17 to 23

Upstate的外科技术人员是Upstate系统中每个手术室的外科团队中不可或缺的一部分. 这些国家认证的专业人士是床边病人的倡导者, experts in sterility and the surgical process, and know what the surgeons need before they need it. 北州医院在北州、社区和哈里森中心雇佣了68名外科技术人员. 在这个表彰周感谢一位外科技术人员为上州手术室做出的贡献.



Telehealth Awareness Week is Sept. 17 to 23

北州是第三届年度远程保健宣传周的骄傲支持者, 展示虚拟医疗改善所有社区获得优质医疗保健服务的多种方式. To see how Upstate is leveraging telehealth to provide accessible, 为纽约州各地的患者和提供者提供高质量的医疗服务, visit: http://1b7.casabo.net/imt/news/2023-09-12-revolutionizing-healthcare.php.



Healthcare Simulation Week shirt sale is Sept. 18 and 21

In celebration of Healthcare Simulation Week, Upstate’s Simulation Center will hold a T-shirt sale Sept. 18 from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sept. 21 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. outside Café 750 on the second floor of Upstate University Hospital. Shirts are $20 each and available in multiple sizes. Questions? Email [email protected]. View the T-shirt here: Healthcare Simulation Week 2023 - Imgur.



Easy for You is Sept. 19

纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的烟草治疗项目“为你轻松”将于9月9日举行. 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in C3068 Upstate Cancer Center. 我们欢迎每个有纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件身份证的人接受戒烟、咀嚼和吸电子烟的帮助. Free nicotine replacement therapy is available. 欲了解更多信息,请联系特蕾莎·汉金或卡罗琳·瓦尔奇克,电话:315-464-3519或 [email protected]


9月11日,志愿者在撒玛利亚中心寻找早餐服务. 20

加入推荐最近最火的赌博软件新兴领袖联盟的成员,该组织周三帮助提供早餐服务, Sept.  20 from 6:15 to 9 a.m. at the Samaritan Center, 215 N. State St. The Samaritan Center mission is No One Goes Hungry. To participate, or for more information, email [email protected] or Scott Neal [email protected].



Retirement receptions for Rev. Joseph Smythe are Sept. 21 and 26

A retirement reception for Rev. Joseph Smythe, MDIV, MA, BCC, will be held Sept. 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. 上州社区医院精神护理办公室外(3101). Another will be held Sept. 26 from 3 to 4 p.m. 上州立大学医院精神护理办公室外(1224). Rev. Smythe在两家医院都工作过,在Upstate工作了14年后退休.



Upstate Cancer Center at Verona is Sept. 26

维罗纳州推荐最近最火的赌博软件新癌症中心的开放日和剪彩仪式将于周二举行, Sept. 26 at 10 a.m. 在开放参观和参观之前,将有一个简短的节目和剪彩,参观将持续到下午1点.m. 维罗纳州推荐最近最火的赌博软件癌症中心位于纽约州维罗纳市东大街5584号. 从纽约州上州立大学医院出发,通过纽约州高速公路开车大约需要35分钟. For more information, email Chris at [email protected].  



28th annual CNY Psychopharmacology Update is Sept. 28 and 29

The 28th annual CNY Psychopharmacology Update will be held Sept. 28 and 29. 活动将在水边酒店举行,座位有限, Old Forge, N.Y. and virtually with unlimited attendance. For a detailed agenda and registration information, visit http://1b7.casabo.net/cme/ 点击:事件注册,CNY精神药理学更新,下载完整的小册子. For more information contact Linette Thorp at [email protected] or 315-464-3104.   



University Police celebrate National Coffee with a Cop Day Oct. 4

University Police at Upstate will host Coffee with a Cop Oct. 4 from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Performance Center on the 11th floor of Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served.



Blood drives at Upstate are Oct. 5, 6, 18

Blood drives will be held at Upstate Oct. 5, 6, and 18. To make an appointment, visit: 1b7.casabo.net/blood. The schedule is as follows.

  • Oct. 5 from noon to 5 p.m. in the atrium of Setnor
  • Oct. 6 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Performance Center, 11th floor of Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
  • Oct. 18 from noon to 5 p.m. in the cafeteria at Community



第五届年度马修斯汽车步行马拉松活动将于10月11日举行. 7

The fifth annual Matthews Auto Walk-a-Thon will be held Oct. 7 from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Vestal Rail Trail or from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Weiler Park in Norwich. Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital is a beneficiary. Walk virtually in Syracuse, Rochester, Schenectady, and Scranton. 马修斯汽车公司每走一英里将捐赠10美元,最高可达10万美元. 捐款25美元或以上将收到一张25美元的马修斯礼品卡,马修斯将匹配现金捐款,最高可达25美元,000 for a potential total donation of $150,000. 超过10英里、25英里和50英里的步行者将获得特别奖.

Calculate how many miles you are willing to walk Oct. 7, and steps count. To register, visit: http://www.matthewsauto.com/walkathon.htm 一定要从慈善机构下拉列表中选择锡拉丘兹上州戈里萨诺儿童医院. Questions? Email Toni Gary at [email protected].



Making Strides is Oct. 15

周日参加美国癌症协会的“大步对抗乳腺癌步行”活动, Oct. 15 in Clinton Square, Syracuse. 欢迎参与者成立一个团队或加入一个团队,为美国癌症协会的乳腺癌研究筹集资金, education and awareness programs. For more information and registration, please visit 1b7.casabo.net/strides.



Upstate’s Mobile Mammography events are Oct. 16 and Nov. 10

北州移动乳房x光检查车将于10月11日提供乳房x光检查活动. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Upstate’s Retail Pharmacy (5000 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse). This event is open to the Upstate community and the public.

A second mammography screening event will be held Nov. 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Upstate Bone and Joint (6620 Fly Road, E. Syracuse). Currently, this event is open only to the Upstate community.

预约年度乳房x光检查,请致电315-464-2588或访问: http://1b7.casabo.net/mobile-mammography/ and complete an appointment request form.



Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds is Oct. 19

Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds is Oct. 19 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Ninth Floor Auditorium, Weiskotten Hall. Pizza and beverages will be served. Brian Zink, MD, 他是密歇根大学医学院负责教职员工发展的高级副院长以及急诊医学系教职员工发展的教授和高级副主席, will present Anyone, Anything, Anytime: A History of U.S. Emergency Medicine. 



Administrative professionals event is Oct. 25

An administrative professionals event will be held Oct. 25 in 4414A, Academic Building. Doors open for lunch at 11:30 a.m.; speaker and networking is from noon to 1 p.m. There will be a Zoom option. To attend, CLICK HERE TO RSVP.



Global Health seeks participants 

全球健康正在研究流感疾病,并正在寻找捐助者,以帮助在纽约中部发挥作用. 如果你或你认识的65岁以上的人想要帮助临床研究, contacts us to become part of the Global Health Community. Questions? Call 315-464-9869 or email [email protected].



The Informed Patient podcast

The Informed Patient 播客最近对这些推荐最近最火的赌博软件专家进行了关于治疗前列腺癌的采访, 通往新的抗病毒药物的道路,以及毒素如何影响儿童.

“知情患者”播客和“空中健康链接”广播节目由上州营销和大学传播公司制作. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》访谈可通过各种播客平台获得,包括 YouTube. HealthLink on Air is broadcast on WRVO Public Media at 6 a.m. Sundays. 播客和广播节目的音频和文本也可以在 casabo.net/informed.

要建议一个可能的播客的推荐最近最火的赌博软件专家或主题,给Amber Smith发电子邮件 [email protected]
