

在所有ID旋转期间, the fellow is responsible for consultative care of a variety of patients with numerous infectious problems in all stages of disease. 轮转将整合传染性问题, 健康促进, 和文化, 社会经济, 道德, 职业, 环境, 以及任何可能的行为问题. 在每次轮转中,研究员由一名主治医师监督. This attending will complete a written evaluation of the fellow's performance to include an assessment of the clinical competence of the fellow in each of the 6 clinical competencies (病人护理, 医学知识, 人际及沟通技巧, 专业, Practice-Based Learning and System Based Practice) and how the goals and objective of the rotation were met.



Fellows are responsible for the consultative care of adult patients including teenagers and geriatrics of both sexes on medical wards, 外科病房, 加护病房.


  1. Formal instruction and practical experience in hospital epidemiology and infection control.
  2. 正式的指导和临床微生物学的实践经验.
  3. Clinical experience in the evaluation and management of HIV infected patients with major impairment of host defenses.
  4. Formal instruction or clinical experience in the evaluation and management of the following disorders:
    • 生殖器官感染
    • 实体器官移植患者的感染
    • 骨髓移植受者的感染
    • 性传播疾病
    • 病毒性肝炎,包括乙型和丙型肝炎
    • 旅行者感染
  5. Clinical experience in the evaluation and management of patients with the following disorders:
    • Pleuropulmonary感染
    • 心血管疾病的感染
    • 中枢神经系统感染
    • 胃肠道和腹腔内感染
    • 皮肤及软组织感染
    • 骨骼和关节感染
    • 假肢装置感染
    • 与创伤有关的感染
    • 脓毒症综合征
    • 医院/院内感染
    • 尿路感染


  • Clinical and didactic teaching by the attending through daily rounds totaling 5 or more hours per week.
  • 为每周管理会议准备基于案例的讨论材料.


  • 传染病原理与实践第6版.
  • Current disease specific articles assessed through computer based search engines such as pubmed and ovid or provided by the attending physician.


  • Fellows will be given verbal feedback midrotation and verbal/written feedback at the end of the rotation.
  • Fellows will evaluate the rotation at the end of the rotation through the computer based system new innovations.
  • 研究员将被评估的六个核心能力-病人护理, 医学知识, 基于实践的学习改进, 人际关系及沟通技巧, 专业, 基于系统的学习.


Attendings are the primary supervisor for fellows while rotating on the consultative service. 有一个快速的, 可靠的, and continuous communication structure in place for contacting supervisors through the paging system.



  1. 病人护理
    • 实习生应该具备内科医生的基本技能. 在奖学金的第一年, 医学的采访, 身体检查, 对有关数据和程序技能的审查应该是彻底和完整的. This should transition so that during the second year of fellowship these areas should include the finer details pertinent to infectious disease without errors. Decision making should incorporate evidence based medicine backed by sound judgment relying during the first year of fellowship on significant staff input.
    • 第二年 staff should have less direct input while enhancing the more subtle teaching points of the case. Decisions should be made in cooperation with 其他顾问 and the primary care physicians managing the patients including the wishes of the patient. During this first year of fellowship it is expected that direct involvement of the attending is necessary during this communication, however during the second year the fellow should be the primary point of communication.
  2. 医学知识
    • 实习医生应具备内科医生的基本医学知识. 在培训的第一年, 研究员将致力于发展传染病的基础和临床科学. First year fellows should be able to cite the textbook medical literature with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of infectious diseases.
    • 在培训的第二年, 研究员应深入了解传染病, 以及引用与此相关的原始文献的能力. Second year fellows should be able to clearly apply that information to management of their patients. 第二年 the knowledge base should be more comprehensive with a greater depth especially with regard to the relationship and mechanisms of disease.
  3. 基于实践的学习改进
    • 在第一年的研究期间, 学员 are expected to seek outside feedback with appropriate responses to improve overall health care delivery. First year fellows are expected to use the information technology available at the institutions to improve the care of their patients and for self-improvement.
    • 第二年, fellows should constantly evaluate their own performance incorporating internal and external feedback. 第二年, fellows are expected to use information technology for improvement of themselves and their patients as well as the health care system.
  4. 人际关系及沟通技巧
    • 在第一年的研究期间, 学员 are expected to work closely with the attending to provide the highest health care possible to patients and families. 这包括倾听、叙述和非语言技巧. The fellow should incorporate these skills to provide education and counseling to patients, 家人和同事 while staying connected with all aspects of health care delivery.
    • 第二年的研究员被期望成为初级保健团队的主要联系人, 其他顾问, the patient and the patient's family without relying on the attending to perform these facets of medical care.
  5. 专业
    • First and second year fellows are expected to perform to the highest level of 专业 at all times. 这应该包括尊重、同情、正直和诚实. They should be committed to self-assessment along with a commitment to their patients, 家人和同事. 他们应该愿意承认错误. 在第一年的研究期间, 学员, 在他们主治医生的指导下, 作为传染病咨询师,发挥老师和榜样的作用.
    • 第二年 the fellow should be the primary teacher and role model for the infectious disease consultative service.
  6. 系统的学习
    • 在第一年的研究期间, 学员 should rely primarily on textbooks and review articles to obtain the breadth of knowledge necessary for performing as an infectious disease physician. First year fellows should become involved in the systems used within the hospitals for improving health care.
    • 二年级的研究员应该依靠原始文献来获得知识的深度. 第二年, fellows should be able to apply these systems to their own practice of medicine as well as improving the entire health care system.