

The Department's residency program has long been strong in providing a broad-based, 大容量, 为有前途的居民提供良好的监督教育经验. Program graduates display competency in all areas of comprehensive ophthalmology.


In July 2021 we welcomed our first class to our new fully integrated internship.  This year is integrated into the 眼科学 residency and under the supervision of the 眼科学 实习项目 Director.  这个实习年将包括28周的内科, 12周的眼科检查, 还有12周的选修课.  Experience will be both at the Syracuse VA and SUNY 上州立大学医院 so that residents will be familiar with both facilities and electronic health record systems during the PGY-2 year.

The goal of the three ophthalmology months is to create a graduated orientation experience that won’t feel like learning to swim in the deep end of the pool. 每个月的期望都会增加. The format continues to be tweaked with the input of the first class but currently involves experiences in general clinic, 专业诊所, 住院病人咨询, 和手术.


PGY-2年的实践经验丰富. 住院医生参与病人护理的各个方面, 协助主治医生在手术室和, 还有PGY-3的居民, 周末和夜间轮班值班. 虽然这个项目有丰富的实践经验, faculty are available at all times ensuring residents have support to make patient management decisions within their level of training and medical knowledge.

PGY-2年分为三轮.  每位住院医生将在两个月的时间内轮流实习,一年两次.


Two two-month rotations are spent at the 视力护理中心 at 550 Harrison.  该住院医师参加普通和专科住院医师诊所. As experience builds residents will be taught to do 掺钕钇铝石榴石-lasers and intravitreal injections.  Informally known as the “plastics” resident – this resident will operate most Tuesdays with the oculoplastic surgeons.


作为PGY-2在锡拉丘兹退伍军人医院总共待了四个月. This rotation gives exposure to all the comprehensive and sub专业诊所s. 住院医生可以在休息时间观察白内障手术. There is exposure to the VA Low Vision Rehabilitation program during this rotation.


非正式地称为“神经眼科”住院医师.  这位住院医生在550号哈里森和神经眼科诊所工作.  In addition, this resident joins our Ocular Pathologist on certain Mondays.




在哈里森550号的视力护理中心待了四个月.  在这里,住院医生参加普通和专科住院医生诊所.  他们做所有的儿科和斜视手术. 并陪同儿科专家在新生儿重症监护室进行ROP查房.


在锡拉丘兹退伍军人医院待了四个月. This rotation gives exposure to all the comprehensive and sub专业诊所s.  退伍军人诊所, 在那里,居民被赋予了一定程度的自主权, 经常被评为这个轮换中最好的部分.  Residents often do their first cataract surgery as a primary surgeon on this rotation. 


Four months are spent as the inpatient resident based at SUNY 上州立大学医院 (which is connected to Crouse Hospital). 在那里,这位住院医生白天负责急诊和住院病人的会诊. 病人和住院医生都受益于这种连续性. 一名主治医生在工作日查房,并根据需要在周末/假日查房. Residents cite this rotation as being extremely beneficial in learning how to approach complex diagnostic and inter-disciplinary challenges.


PGY-4 residents assume the role of chief resident of their respective locations. There are three four-month rotations with the primary responsibilities being surgical and contributing to outpatient clinics.


The 550 chief resident is centered at the 视力护理中心 at 550 Harrison. This chief serves as the administrative chief resident and creates the weekly schedules.  他们参加每周的全科和亚专科门诊.  They operate approximately two days a week with an emphasis on cataract and glaucoma surgery.


The VA chief resident oversees the comprehensive and sub专业诊所s at the VA. They perform cataract surgery and oculoplastic surgery at the Syracuse Veterans Hospital. Finally, the VA chief is responsible for VA 住院病人咨询s and triages.


Centered at 550 Harrison, the float chief is focused on Cornea and Vitreoretinal surgery. They also work alongside the most awesome (and only) uveitis specialist in all the land to care for an impressively diverse and diagnostically challenging patient population. 有些白内障是合并病例的一部分. This rotation has flexibility to accommodate the interests of the individual resident. Those pursuing fellowship will often gain extra clinical and surgical exposure their chosen area.  Residents interested in comprehensive ophthalmology are given additional cataract surgical opportunity and are encouraged to spend time with the 大容量 cataract faculty.


Residents gain experience in the most sophisticated and complex surgical procedures during their final year of training. 他们通常要做至少200个大手术, 解决重大创伤等问题, 角膜伤口, 眼内异物, 和肿瘤. Residents operate under the guidance of an attending ophthalmic surgeon who provides hands-on assistance.

Outpatient surgery numbers are pretty evenly split between the Syracuse VA and 550 Harrison Operating room.  这些设施包含多个操作显微镜, current-generation phacoemulsification and vitrectomy equipment as well as Argon, 掺钕钇铝石榴石, 准分子激光器.  下班后的紧急病例往往在克劳斯医院处理.

Residents are also welcome to observe community volunteer faculty perform cornea/retina/cataract surgery at the Specialty Surgery Center and plastics surgeries at Eye Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Center, 都位于利物浦, NY.


Residents in the Department are encouraged to join faculty in engaging in research. The residency program has a history of generating superb publications and presentations. At a minimum, each resident is required to do a yearly poster at the CNY Vision Forum in the Spring.

The Center for Vision 研究 is composed of Department research scientists working at the leading edge of molecular biological research of hereditary retinal disease and related disorders. 

The faculty working in these areas are experts in the clinical aspects of inherited retinal disease, 生物化学也一样, 生理学, 以及细胞和分子生物学. Much of the research conducted on campus is supported by grants from the National Eye Institute, 国家科学基金会, 美国国立卫生研究院, 以及其他知名组织.